About the project
The objective of the BUSUP BRAINER project is to create a proactive tool with components that constantly interact to optimize routes in response to rapid changes in demand. It will use classification and regression algorithms to analyze historical data (KPIs). In addition, it will generate Artificial Intelligence (AI) models to provide error analysis, operational suggestions (recommendations) and predictions based on the analysis of KPIs.
BRAINER, our intelligent technology, analyzes real-time data and optimizing routes and fleets according to customer demand. This allows us to reduce waiting times, minimize carbon emissions, and improve transport efficiency. 🚌📲🖥️
Moreover, thanks to this pioneering tool, we are committed to providing sustainable and efficient mobility solutions for businesses and communities.

To achieve this main objective, the following specific objectives (SOs) must be met:
SO1: Identification of relevant KPIs.
Identification of relevant KPIs, which are able to describe past operations, and training of an anomaly classification model that allows to detect behavioral/decision patterns in order to be able to know the most common planning deviations.
SO2: Develop a solution
Develop a solution to analyze the status of operations in real time (control agent) and optimize routes based on sudden changes in demand to generate better solutions (routes) at the last minute.
SO3: Generate predictive services
Generate predictive services for future operations development and detection of possible anomalies based on historical data analysis.

The Spanish government support
BRAINER is supported by the Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia (PRTR), Red.es, and funding from the European Union - NextGenerationEU.

My role in the project
My participation in this project began after the definitions were made and I've already been working with the PO for 8 months.

I'm the project's UX/UI designer, responsible for defining the user flow, screens, interactions and visual design.

more information and updates about the project coming soon.

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