I'm Victória Carneo, I'm 28 years old, I live in São Paulo, Centro and I'm a Designer - currently a
Product Designer (digital products). 

I'm always looking for exciting challenges and opportunities to improve my knowledge and skills and I hope my portfolio reflects my passion and dedication to design and user experience.

My academic journey led me to study
Graphic Design at Anhembi Morumbi University, where I am currently studying.
In addition, I have a certificate in
UX Design from the British School of Creative Arts (EBAC), as well as certifications from the Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF).
Professionally, I have a wide range of experience.
I started my career as a designer at BUSUP, a startup that manages corporate mobility programs with technology, where I was a graphic design intern for 3 months (2022), a graphic designer for 6 months (2022) and then joined the product team as a UX/UI designer, where I have been working enthusiastically since the end of 2022. 

Currently, I am leading the Design System project at BUSUP, working end-to-end, from inventory, creation of tokens and components, to documentation in Zeroheight.
As a freelancer, I've had the pleasure of working on exciting projects, such as creating the Visual Identity for the Adocica confectionery in 2021, covering both graphic and digital design. I designed the packaging for CoffShore specialty coffees in the "Suave" and "Intense" versions and also had the honor of participating in the layout and illustration of the poetry book "As Tessituras do Desejo", an independent publication launched by Banca Tatuí in the same year.

My experience is not limited to design. In 2020 and 2021, I had the privilege of working in Project Coordination and Training Management at Murano Design, an Editorial Design studio with a focus on Education. This experience gave me a valuable understanding of project management and team training, complementing my design skills.

As a volunteer, I take part in a "Samba de Roda" collective in the city of São Paulo that promotes rodas de samba with a social purpose. I've been working in communications and organizing events since 2023.
Obrigada!Em breve, entrarei em contato por email.
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